The Best Way to Tell If Someone Blocked You Is to Ask Them

If your calls have gone unanswered and your texts never get a reply, it’s best to just ask them outright: Did you block me on your phone? There’s a chance they did and didn’t mean to. If you’re uncomfortable asking them if they’ve blocked you, try these ideas.

How Many Times Did Your Call Ring?

The biggest indicator of a blocked call is a single ring that goes to voicemail. However, this doesn’t mean you’re definitely being blocked. If the other person is using their phone at that moment, especially if they’re talking to someone else, they can choose to accept or decline the call. This can explain a call that quickly goes to voicemail. Another possible straight-to-voicemail situation is if the other person’s phone is turned off or the battery is drained.  The iPhone has a Do Not Disturb mode that may interfere with your call getting through. If the recipient has this turned on, the phone call shouldn’t ring before going to voicemail. If you get one ring and then you hear their voicemail message, it probably isn’t because of Do Not Disturb.

Send a Text Message

The iPhone has the ability to send read receipts, which means it lets you know if the person read the message. Not everyone has this turned on, so it’s also not a definite way of telling if you’re blocked, but it is a good way to find out if you’re not blocked.  When you send a message to a friend that has you blocked, the status will quickly turn to Delivered on your side, but your friend will never receive the message. Because of this, they can’t read your message. Check back after an hour or so. If the status has changed from Delivered to Read, they’re not blocking you.

Call With Caller ID Disabled

Here’s a sneaky trick: Disable Caller ID. In North America, dial *67 in front of the phone number, such as *675551239870. Do this immediately after having the phone call go to voicemail after a single ring to see if they answer the unknown call. Outside North America, check the Caller ID Wikipedia page for the codes to disable Caller ID. Not all countries allow Caller ID to be disabled, and even in countries that allow it, it can’t be deactivated on calls to emergency numbers such as 911. You can also disable Caller ID. Open Settings on the iPhone, scroll down to Phone, and turn off Show My Caller ID. Also, this doesn’t mean your friend has blocked you. Many people refuse to answer calls without Caller ID, and even if it rings once and goes to voicemail, they may have immediately declined the call. 

The Sneakiest Way to Tell If You’re Being Blocked Is to Call in Person

The next time you see the person, call them. This works best when you’re with a group of people and the person has their phone out. If you call and there’s no indication on the phone or from your friend that the call is being placed, they probably have you blocked. Remember, a phone in a pocket or messenger bag may be on vibrate mode, which is why it’s important to call the recipient while their phone is out.